Sunday, February 5, 2012

A bouncy baby girl

Not long ago I posted about a day in which Abby didn't take her medication. It happens sometimes. We try our best not to forget, because continuity seems to be the key to her success in the structured environment that is school. But she didn't notice, nor did her teacher, when we forgot to give her a pill one Monday. That was so shocking to me! 

Because in this short video, during which the kids are watching a little television in the 15-minute window before we had to get ready for soccer practice, is NOT AN EXCEPTION. This is not a random thing. This is how Abby nearly always acts when she's not on her Vyvanse. That means, in the morning before it takes effect and in the evening when it wears off, and on those rare days when we forget. 

This is how I remember my baby -- as a toddler and preschooler. This is why she had three head injuries in six months. Because usually the television is not on, and she's moving horizontally, too. And aggravating her brother. The annoying, impulsive things she does to her brother often beg the all-too-common question in our home..."What were you thinking?" On this day, she was definitely more active and we saw the one-armed circles that she used to do when running while she was at soccer practice. Weird flashback. So I thought I'd share in case you don't know what ADHD looks like, or if you're wondering if your child is hyperactive, or if you'd just like to know how to burn 2,500 calories in 15 minutes. :-) 

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